Saturday, May 21, 2011

Video: NLP Metaphor Demonstration Part Three

Metaphor of the therapeutic change process. Part three of a Metaphor and NLP Demonstration from Nigel Hetherington to elicit states, embed concepts, ideas and segue within stories using polymorphic metaphor.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Video: Learn Hypnosis NLP Milton Model - Made Simple Part 1

The NLP Milton Model part One from Nigel Hetherington is one of the corner stones of Hypnosis. The Milton Model distilled from Milton Erickson via Bandler and Grider is a linguistic model of hypnosis. Here the often traumatic terms and labels are unpacked and made very simple to understand.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Video: NLP Collapsing Anchors Physically

This is one way to Collapse / Chain anchors ( or states ) with the most natural 'anchors' you have. Your body and your breathing patterns. Anchors or triggers to undesired states can be collapsed or shunted in a very many different ways. Classically collapsing an anchor involves triggering a negative anchor then triggering the resource anchor together and then leaving the resource anchor in place a little longer.
This kind of process is really no different that chaining anchors so you go from one state to another.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Video: Pepsi Addiction Gone - Grace Jones, Faster EFT

Despite the known dangers, Linda could not kick a lifelong Pepsi habit. Watch how the resistance to quit and any desire for Pepsi was released in this  video clip under 19 minutes.