Friday, February 4, 2011

News: Former chain smoker encourages mind over matter to kick cigarette addiction

NLP News feed:

Former chain smoker encourages mind over matter to kick cigarette addiction

MMD Newswire (press release)

"The Painless Stop Smoking Cure" by Eric Eraly shares how he fought his 22-year-long habit without experiencing painful and powerful withdrawal
LAS VEGAS (MMD Newswire) February 3, 2011 -- Two to three packs every day for more than 20 years--that's how long author Eric Eraly found himself chained to an expensive and damaging smoking habit. Appointed the "Stop Smoking Guru" by the Belgian media, Eraly quit without experiencing the commonly associated physical and mental anguish most smokers face when they attempt to kick cigarettes cold turkey. "The Painless Stop Smoking Cure" (ISBN 1453674160) is a book for smokers of all ages who hate their habit but have been unsuccessful at quitting.
Mental addiction is the only reason smokers fail to quit, Eraly claims, and says they must create a mental shift to ultimately kick the smokes and not experience withdrawal. Through a journey that allows smokers to see the truth behind the illusions created by tobacco, "The Painless Stop Smoking Cure" focuses on the mental addiction, rather than the physical, to nicotine. Unlike other books urging readers to kick unhealthy habits, Eraly defends the smokers' situation, and empathizes with their struggle.
"My work is a unique mixture of my personal experience as a 22-year chain smoker and the discovery and mental journey that set me free," Eraly said. "Along with my skills as a neuro-linguistic programming trainer, 'The Painless Stop Smoking Cure' contains all the necessary tools that a smoker needs to stop without any discomfort."
Not only does he offer a money-back guarantee for his online program, Eraly's techniques have been used all over the world by companies that want their employees to quit smoking. He hopes that through his revolutionary methods, more people will chose to kick their unhealthy habit and live a smoke-free lifestyle.
"The Painless Stop Smoking Cure" is available for sale online at and other channels.
About the Author:
Eric Eraly, a chain smoker for more than 22 years, has since helped smokers to happily kick the habit with the help of the author's seminar. His first clients were prisoners, and 86 percent of them remained smoke-free to this day, six years later, following Eraly's seminar.  More...

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