Monday, January 10, 2011

Mind Programming - Notes from a webinar with Steve Boyley

Being able to take action effectively using your own programs. No fears.

The quality of your life is the quality of your communication. The way experience is judged is by communicating with yourself.

Example: When a relationship ends a person has a choice of responses.

  1. I must not have been good enough, I am a loser.
  2. Great, new opportunity awaits me!
  3. Oh well, what's for lunch.

Your choice determines your future feelings, actions, and behaviors.

When you communicate with others you get the sense of connectiveness.

A lot of times when we communicate with ourselves we find inner conflict.


I want to make a difference in the world, but I also want to lay on the beach.

I want to be wealthy, but I also want lots of free time

I want to be monogamous, but I am attracted to many others.

When you reduce this conflict you are much better off.

Body language is 50% of the communication. Tonality is 30%.

When you communicate with yourself, usually you only pay attention to the talk, and not the tonality or the body language.

When you integrate all three of these, all aspects of the communication the words, the tonality, and the body. You have powerful effective communication.

Remember, everyday you run many brain software programs. It's easy to forget, since it seems it runs on auto pilot.

Also if you don't take the responsibility to program it, it will be programmed for you by default. This can come from parents, teachers, peers, media, govt., etc.

This comes from them wanting us to abide by their way of thinking.

You want to be able to draw from your own mental programs at will. And to be able to create the programs at will.

To do this:

  1. Communicate in full body mode. 

e.g.: when you think about where you want to be, get your whole body into it. Think about the physical movement, it's not just an inner voice.

To know which programs you want to select, it is useful to know what you want them to do.

What do you want?

Put yourself in the position of already having achieved that.

Have the things that are important to you survived the process? 

e.g.: if you want to lay on the beach, will you be able to spend the time to be wealthy? If not, you need to go back and review the process, and the image of who you are in the world.

Imagine exactly how it would feel right now, what would you sound like, what would people be saying, different smells, different clothing, different environment? What do you feel, what do you see?

Then look past that environment to work, home, etc. and make sure it all fits and that you get it just right.

This process of using mind programs to create that dream, but the program has to know what it is to do.

Designing the outcome is the most important stage, because THAT allows you to select the right programs.

Ecology is completely perceived by the person on the receiving end. Not by the person asking these questions.

Okay, now you are in this place where you look back and you have achieved what you desire. Everything feels right because you designed it right (design your future), now begin to talk to yourself as if you are actually there.

If you get asked, What has taken place for this to occur? How would you speak of it, what gestures would you use, how does it feel right to the core of your bones.

This is how you program your subconscious to activate a program to get to a destination.

Now can you bring that resourcefulness with you back to now. Put a handle on it and crank it up.

What is the next step on the journey to achieving that outcome, now that you have the resourcefulness you desire.

What is the step after that? And after that? You know now what you need to do.

The decision to take the next step is just a matter of knowing that you can and doing it, much like when you need to go to the bathroom, and you just get up and do it.

Note: if someone brings up a fear, have them imagine having already gotten past that. Now how do they feel, and bring that feeling back into the present as a resource.

Point: it is important to go into the future and make sure everything is what you want before you start to do it. This gives you the ability to go back and make the adjustment to your worthy ideal.

So push the boundaries outside the personal experience to include the city/world and your relationship to all of that. No limits. And expand the awareness in the future, this is what allows you to make the adjustments.

Second Phase is to experience that feeling of having all that you want, as a resource to bring to the present moment.

Interesting thing: when you get people to daydream and run back through the timeline, they are using a more complex program to create the resource set which allows them then to create the resource state quite easily.

It should be easy to calibrate to them having certainty.

"Most people will spend weeks deciding what their ideal vacation is, but people won't spend 10 minutes deciding what the ideal future, the ideal outcome for their life for them is"

If they used the same process they would likely end up with the ideal outcome for their life.

Note: this gives the broad sense of accomplishment.

Now we will use this same process on a much smaller level of detail.

One of the things that works well in the programming of your mind is the swish pattern. Something your mind already understands well... "not this, this!"

Have the current situation on one hand, and the future situation on the palm of the other hand. Hold the current one up in front of you and have the future come knock it out of the way... not this, This!

make sure when you put the emotion into the future hand and do it three times. You should feel a physical jolt all through your body.

Swish works great to take someone from a not so great situation to their destination of a great situation, so that they feel better already and their subconscious will find all the things they need throughout each day to get there.

Note: you can start at great and get even better, rather than start at shitty.

Confidence: create a program

Think of how you react when you both in your mind, and in your manner your are wonderfully confident.

Then think about a situation where you have less than confidence and how it would be to be acting confident in this situation.

Note: you can do this with concentration, motivation etc.

Select a context you are very effective, think how you act and respond, including your physiology etc. Then apply that to the situation you want to have that in, and note again how it feels and how you react.

Note about Confidence: When you are unconfident, confidence is always there. "I don't know a damn thing about X" well in fact he is pretty confident about that.

By Craig Eubanks, Act Now International LLC

Authors note: These notes are offered as is from the webinar with permission
 Steve Boyley of the Performance Institute of NLP

1 comment:

  1. Cool article, it is so true that a lot people put more time into planning vacations and things like that rather than actually planning their desired life. Are you a client of Steve Boyley?
